Monday, September 28, 2009 9:17 PM

i love how as i was cleaning opening my drawer, the first and only thing that fell out was a letter.. to be more specific, this letter came as a pair with another letter, each with it's own importance. this letter that fell out had the most special importance to me. ironic how that one fell out hmm?

i found myself speechless again as i was reading the letter, as if i was reading it for the first time again. every word, every sentence being written down, every memory.. everything came flashing back at me again. at the same time many thoughts came through my head again.. thinking at how much things have changed. how nothing is the same as it used to be anymore. how much i miss the old days where none of us had a care in the world. i don't know.. everything seemed to disperse so fast i couldn't run after it telling it to stop going away. i guess things happen for a reason, but deep down, i really wish that they didn't happen the way they did.

it happened. it's done with. who am i to say it didn't right? if i had one wish, it would be to rewind everything to the past few years where we didn't even have to worry about any of this. back when we were all enjoying life as friends with everyone else. back before people started to pack up and leave. everything when it was just the 4 of us. everything before things started to change.. there are times when i wish for those so bad i'd find myself aching and hurting on the inside.. i guess time moved forward and left me sitting in the past.. and something else that i came across as i was stumbling through stuff..

"if i had one wish, i wish for us to go back to the way we used to be.."

Saturday, September 26, 2009 11:13 AM

what's up world!? it's been a while since my last post. i realize that there's been a bigger gap between each post i do now. busybusybusy. now that i'm back, BIG update! first off, big props to Julie Nguyen for helping with my blog with this amazing new layout! mad jealous of those skills in making this haha.

Alright school! been a total bitch haha. i haven't lost so much sleep in my life! for all you people who think junior year was hard, you haven't lived to face this year yet. damnnn what i'd give to go back to junior year and do that again, rather than SENIOR year -_- oh well. on the bright side i'm doing pretty well so that's a start :] thanks to all of you who helped me with the endless amounts of crap i've been having to deal with. it means a lot to me that i know i have great friends who i know have my back. you all know who you are so mentioning names aren't necessary.

Homecoming! another something i'm looking forward too ;] don't be nosy asking me who it is cuz i probably won't tell you! what i will tell you is that she hasn't asked her pysco asian parents yet so i'm freaking out on the line of suspense waiting to find out what her parents say. g'damn this is the part i hate the most when asking a girl to a dance or anything for that matter lol.. parents.. well homecoming is coming up pretty soon so i hope i get an answer.

Last week was the best friday night out ever! shout out to nina bueno, linda hsuing, gwen chu, aileen reyes! total road trip status haha. singing and jamming for 2 hours in sam ash music store. that was great. stalkers, boba, ice cream, black outs, "beads of jadeee" (insider), scary story on the completely DARK streets.. oh man that day was fun, and i especially needed that to get away from all the school crap..

Yesterday hung out with aileen and gwen! stayed at my house for a bit just messing around and making vlogs haha. then went out to eat pho, and then went back to gwens place. started watching a sad jap. drama called koizora, and it was freakin hilarious watching gwen and aileen start crying and blowing on tissues while watching the drama haha. it was sad but i couldn't help but laugh haha.

There is just one more little thing i want to talk about. Yo get a freakin grip on yourself. NO ONE likes your ass in school, so why do you gotta go around trying to act like you're the shit and whatnot. it's pathetic! you like someone, but you already GOT someone. the fuck?! learn to grow up and stop hanging onto someone you can't get cuz it's pathetic. you're already with someone and you gotta hold the other person back. let them get on with their lives and you get on with yours. nuff said. that person doesn't even like you, so sucks for your ass hahaha!

Senior year is full of stress, sleepless nights and all that crap, but it's also filled with so much fun :] this is the last year of high school we have left, so let's make the most of it! $en10r Mill10narie$ are gonna go ALL out :]

Sunday, September 13, 2009 9:11 PM

wow long time no post. i started realizing that my rate of posts have been dropping like crazy lol. either there's nothing to talk about, i have no time, or i'm starting to lose interest in blogging >< color="#999999" size="1">A LOT to update on!
School! Senior year is fucking stressful! i've been up so late for like 2 weeks doing homework, late night webcam study sessions with pia for anatomy, GAH i'm over senior year when it barely started -__- fuck talking about school. it's depressing me lol.

VMA's are on tonight, and DAMN kanye west is killing it for himself! dissing taylor swift?! yo that's not right. your career is FUCKED now haha! beyonce i freakin love her~ ;] haha. and wtf is with lady gaga tonight. did she fire her dresser or something?! ridiculous haha. and i just love how there's an endless line of status spams going around on facebook about this too lol! so funny.

2PM! WTF HAPPENED?! WHY ARE NETIZENS SUCH A BITCH CAUSING JAEBUM TO LEAVE?! fuckinggggggg assholes! something so small about a myspace comment he made 4 FUCKING YEARS AGO! seriously.. people can change A LOT within that time. and netizens are going all out now even after this jaebum thing. every little thing someone does gets reported and their career could be on the line. just cuz THEY'RE not famous they gotta go picking a fight? assholes.

OH and on friday i started watching 1 litre of tears, and finished on saturday. holy crap.. saddest thing i've ever watched in my life!!! i can't believe this was a true story x.x i was totally speechless when the drama ended. it was unbearble. if you watch the whole thing and you don't begin to tear, there's something wrong with you and i suggest you get that checked up. and if you haven't seen this yet, hell go to NOW and get your ass on this drama!

The last matter i wanna talk about is the immaturity status of some people. seriusly folks, we're in high schools, we're all best friends in one group, we all have the same friends... if you're going let something as small as this get in the way of that, i don't know what to tell you. learn to grow up and look up a work in the dictionary called TRUST, cuz apparently that's something you're supposed to do with your friends. i don't wanna waste my breath trying to teach your or make you understand, but i'd think being in high school, you could be a little smarter than that.

Friday, September 4, 2009 11:15 PM

I survived the first week of HELL! goodness it was unbelievable! the schools' reputation has gone down the TUBE. they changed my class schedules FOUR times before they got it right. and this happened within a week! ridiculous lol.. i don't think i would've been able to make it through this week without all the encouragement of my friends. you guys know who you are! love you guys :]

After like.. wednesday, things got so much better. classes got more interesting, i'm actually doing well in class and i'm NOT procrastinating lol. btw not procrastinating is the best feeling in the world. i freakin love it. aced the first two quizzes in math and anatomy, meaning i'm off to a good start :] i'm gonna make it through this whole year like this. so happy! free 6th period, meaning chillax period with jenne, chaz, and aileen if AILEEN EVER STAYS WITH US! this week just seemed unbearably long.. i'm just happy for the 3 day weekend~ i need it after this week haha.. I miss days during the summer... summer throwback right here.