Sunday, August 30, 2009 7:05 PM

wow i can't believe it.. i'm still in denial about the fact that summer is OVER and that school is TOMORROW! School didn't even start yet but i'm already panicking and stressing about what to do with the school year, and having college come around the corner.. i am really scared to be honest! like i don't think i've ever been more scared of anything in my life than senior year.. I realize that for the past few years, i've really screwed around and didn't take things seriously. now i need to pull all my weight together and finally give it my all on my one final stand. No more screwing around, no more slacking off, but i'm gonna give it my ALL! i'm more than determined to make it through this year with a success.

College is rolling around the corner too, and i'm so scared to no end. with all the acceptance rates dropping, and the amount of students being cut back, i'm starting to panick that i'm not going anywhere! i'm finally getting a taste of reality, and hell i am not liking it! right now i wish i could re-taste summer all over again! if i was given the chance to redo high school all over again, hell i think i'd probably do that! omgomgomgomgomgomg i'm so scared!!!!! can life PLEASE give me a break right now?! cuz hell i need it T.T what i'd give to go back to the start of the summer.. AHHH!

btw, check out the vids on the side ---> by gwen and me :] HELP PROMOTE US SO WE CAN BECOME RICH! lol!!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009 5:07 PM

So i got a package in the mail from kari dongseng!! and it was my belated bday gift! (yes i know it's been a while but i understand why it took her so long lol). so when i open the box, i see HAPPY BIRTHDAY OPPA written all over in korean haha. we're korean freaks so stfu haha! i open all the presents and they were all so cute especially this one bear haha. a penquin keychain that idk what the name of it is LOL. a necklace that resembles me so much ;] and notes stuff haha. the best part though was the smiley hat that none other than tae yang has! and i'm in LOVEEE with it! omg i'm admiring it to no end! and i can't believe she made it too! omg that's BEYOND pro status haha!

i gotta say, reading the cards was emotional lol! i was laughing, smiling, tearing, like everything! having a friend like you is 1 in a million. like you said on the card, if you thought back and picture what it would be like without the other person, and thinking about it, i don't know how i would be able to survive! you're such a great person and the 5 years being with you were adventures i'll never forget. i can't even begin to describe. thanks for being there for me these 5 years! like you said, many people came, but in the end they all left. thanks for being one a million dongseng! saranghae!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009 11:50 AM

so i just got an itouch yesterday haha! it's so much fun!! damn but it's the 8gb and as i was syncing my itunes to it, gb's kept being used up like crazy so i'm just scared that i'm not gonna have enough room with this lol.. but oh well! we'll see what happens. this is probably the only happy thing on this post lol..

"Before the door closes, baby please don't go away,I regret not expressing my feelings, what you to say,Although I come to regret now, I know it's late,There is nobody who can take her place,I want you to stay, want you to stay"

i freakin fell in love with these lyrics.. the ONLY good song from big bangs japan album, or for the whole time they were in japan for that matter. i've been learning this song, and hell it's hard singing it knowing what the lyrics mean.. kills me on the inside, but i just can't stop! this song holds such a powerful message to it. whaaaa i'm over this lol. gotta start getting rap or something LOL!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 1:51 PM

One of the very few big bang songs from their japanese debut that i actually like! well only tae yang and daesungs part LOL. seriously if you listen to it, you hear such a powerful vibe to it, and seriously it gave me hardcore goosebumps/chills! luckily they're back in korea now so back to the old non-autotune techno days! haha.

How come summer starts getting good right before it ends..? i've had so many plans to keep me busy it's ridiculous! i can't even keep up with myself now lol. sad part is school starts in like a week.. i'm gonna be a senior.. oh damn lol! gonna go all out before summer ends.

btw shout out to my awesome grand daughter gelene! happy 18th birthday! i freakin love you best friend! so many memories since we met 2 years ago. better go all out now that you're 18 haha! don't be stupid and get yourself in trouble cuz you gonna go to jail now and i gotta bail you with MY money LOL! i love you!

Monday, August 17, 2009 12:39 AM

This weekend was by far the BESTTTTTT weekend EVER! i love it so much, and it took away all the stress i had on my life. i didn't worry over ONE thing the whole weekend! well maybe the end of saturday but that was just stupid.. let's start off with saturday shall we??

Nikkis' surprise beach party was MISSION SUCCESS! mrs. horita came and picked me up to go to the beach. got caught in traffic and had to call nikkis uncle to get them to stall nikki from coming haha! got to beach area and got TOTALLY lost. no clue where to go and gelene had to run out to find us lol!! got to the beach and frantically started setting up cuz nikki was going to come soon. we started hiding in our tent cuz nikki was coming, and i noticed the tent window was WIDE open and i looked out and saw nikki staring at us! or so i thought lol! turns out nikki didn't even see ANYTHING! didn't see the bday sign, the MILLION chairs, and didn't even see us through the tent window! how blind can you get lol?! we jumped out and "SURPRISE NIKKI!" with those flower necklaces they give you in hawaii haha. she stared for like 10 secs and just took off RUNNING and she made us run after her! -__- spent a lot of time in the water, and we all literally ate so much shit because the wave was pushing us all over the place! my side still hurts :[ after that, just chilled on the beach and messed around. telling riddles, JC telling the riddles to Anthony and Nick, Anthony and Nick getting all pissed and confused over them (funniest thing you will ever see. i laughed so much until i started tearing). fucking cops showed up because we brought our own fire pit when we werent' supposed to. assholes.. ruined the night, but overall it was so much fun.

Next up, sunday family reunion party! waited half the day for people to show up -__- thanks guys.. haha jk! people started coming, and the first family that came here, they were all "OMG khoi! you're so big now!" and all that stuff. i was just standing there nodding and smiling cuz in reality i had no clue who they were LOL! it was so embarrasing.. almost as bad as the time i saw cindy and herman again after 12 years, and they all remembered me and i was like "um.. yeah.. and you are?" -__- haha. cindy and herman came shortly after so that made it less awkward haha. went outside to eat, and people were talking canto so it's pretty awkward sitting there not understanding anything.. hate that feeling haha. herman eating all the noodles we had! haha jk, not like i was gonna eat all of it anyways. went inside. started playing w/ instruments! ryan playing guitar, showing me off in piano (damn the kids good)! me playing guitar and singing. adults came in and wanted all the kids to do it again so they can watch -__- i had to play and sing AGAIN! omg the pressure! haha. after that, played basketball w/ herman. i felt pretty sick cuz i downed half my dads beer bottle LOL! herman owning me.. went inside and talked/chilled. HAHA cindy:herman what's with you and all those balls? LOL omg. everyone went shortly after so i was sad again :[ oh yeah! new pics on facebook. check em out ;]

BEST weekend ever. i wish i could get a time machine and rewind the whole weekend again.. not many days like this where i have a smile on for 48 hours straight :] tomorrow gonna see the bestie so let's go for 72 hours of nonstop fun haha ! oh and i've been finding myself having an obsession with the korean group 2pm.. big bang step out of the way, cuz 2pm is moving in HAHA!

Friday, August 14, 2009 2:07 PM

So i just realized that school is already coming around the corner.. that's really depressing! i do NOT want to go to school already T.T so lately i've been HELLA busy with stuff. seriously the days need to extend to like 48 hours instead of 24 because there isn't enough hours in the day for me to do half the things i want to do. plans here and there and it's killing me because i don't have time to sort things out.. ahhhhh wait till school comes around -__-

I'm going to base this post on a bunch of random things. pretty much because i have absolutely nothing to talk about haha! i'm too busy with so many things here and there that i haven't been able to sit down for a while and BREATHE! let's see what went down this week. Monday(nada), tuesday(work, tutor), wednesday(pool with cousin), thursday(doctors, tutor), today(shopping w/ gelene for nikkis bday), tomorrow(beach), sunday(house party w/ family friends). as you can see, not much ME time in there haha. speaking of which, today shopping w/ gelene was freakin hilarious! 3 teens in 99cents trying to buy party items for surprise bday at beach! we get amused over the simplest things haha. little toys, frisbees, it was so funny haha. OH so this week i started a game called WonderKing. just like maplestory only WAY better. great game, only it's giving me anger management beyond control! lag lag lag lag lag and more fucking lag! i swear i've never cussed at the computer screen so much because of the g'damn lag! okay rant over on that..

This is really strange, but lately i haven't had a good singing day in AGES. i have no idea why either?! that's not like me to the least. am i sick? SWINE FLU?! haha jk. wow i really have nothing to talk about at all! wow life got boring.. i need my weekend plans to take effect soon haha. i need more days like the day for pias beach kick back :] best day in a while~

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 12:54 AM

Again, late at night and i can't find myself to fall asleep. Lately these nights i've been staying up pretty late. I'm not just trying to occupy my time because it's summer. More of that i'm trying to avoid something. trying to avoid drifting into deep thoughts i know will ache me into the deep middle of the night. even now when i'm wide awake, the thought of you comes running through my mind. i can't seem to erase the memories, the pain, the hold you have on my heart. no matter how many times i try, no matter what i do, i can't get you out of my head. i try occupying myself by going out, having fun to get my mind off the matter, but when i come home from all that and lay on my bed, you're there again.

Why is it that so many people have left my heart, but you're the stubborn one that won't let go? maybe it's not you. maybe it's me. maybe i'm the idiot who won't let go no matter how long it's been. i find myself lying awake 3-4 in the morning. dazed in thoughts. i don't know how to get over this matter, and i want to so much. i want to know how to forget something. how to erase something completely. just forget the long lost past and move on towards the future. no one's ever been on my mind this long before.

As i try finishing my music. making new music. learning new. every fucking song reminds me of you. "what did i do", "cracks of my broken heart", "officially missing you". come on now?! Why is it you?! I can't, i try not, i don't want to, but the sad truth is... i love you..

Sunday, August 9, 2009 12:24 PM

"And this pain I feel won't go away, and today, I'm officially missing you.."

I find myself listening to this song a lot lately.. idk why. maybe it's a really catchy song. maybe it's cuz when i sing this song while playing it on the guitar, it takes me somewhere else. or maybe it's cuz the lyrics mean something to me deep down that i just can't erase. I've been getting thoughts in my head a lot lately. I like the thought of being single. I like the feeling of being free and independant. However at the same time, i miss having someone there. Miss having someone you know that depends on you. Miss having someone who you can anxiously wait on to talk to you. People tell me i should go for it. I should take the plunge so i don't regret things. Deep down, i know i want to. i want to with a freakin passion, but the scary truth is that.. i can't. too many factors that play on the negative side, and hardly any that shows and hope of anything happening. Idk what to do anymore. My mind is telling me one thing while my heart is telling me another..

Friday, August 7, 2009 2:06 PM

Best day at the beach ever~ Car ride there was fun enough with Gwen and Kristen haha! Freakin "end of the freeway in 1/2 mile". we thought that meant there was gonna be a wall ahead of us or something LOL! Got to the beach, and met up with Pia and the rest of her group. Played hardcore volleyball for a while until we decided to go into the water :] literally had to drag pia into the water haha. got out, jam seshed with guitar playing by gwennnn chu! sang and chilled for a while longer until more people came! aileeeeen and her group :] ate, played more volleyball hahaha. frisby! hitting aileen on the foot (my bad). back in the water. stephen and allen swimming to big rock (so stupid lol..) back on the beach. more eating and guitar playing/singing :] more hardcore volleyball haha. got dark. started taking sunset pictures! big group on wall. many failed attempt at jumping pics. sunset group~ bonfire started. no clue how to cook weiners lol! gwen: "it's a sausage fest!" hahahaha. making smores! dropped mine on the sand T.T made like 5 more! :] made my sausage. totally burned it. Nina: "DUDE IT'S A NIGGA WEENA!" LOL! oh god.. sun set. took pictures in the dark. learned new camera trick :] cool lighting affect. playing volleyball in the dark. played dodge ball in the dark. more singing. passerbys kept listening to us. weird text messages lol. packed up. gwen driving me home at 80 mph! 30 min car ride turning into 15 mins haha. turning into wrong side of the street (nice job gwen lol). got home, and died in bed. add all that up, and you get the best beach day ever ;]

Tuesday, August 4, 2009 1:13 PM

This happened on sunday night, but i didn't get around to writing it up until now. It was the night we were leaving a restaurant for my moms birthday dinner, and we stopped by a gas station to refill before we left. My dad pointed out "hey guys, is that old lady really homeless over there?" and sure enough, it was this elderly vietnamese lady standing alone by herself. Just a note, i love elders. They are the sweetest things in the whole world, and seeing a vietnamese elder like that was enough to tear me apart. My dad decided to give her money, but as he was about to go out, i said that i wanted to go instead. As i was walking up to her, i was trying as hard as i can not to start falling apart in front of her. When i got up to her, i asked her "excuse me, but are you alright?" (yes it's a stupid question cuz of course she's not, but if you were in my situation i doubt you'd know what to say either). She seldomly nods and turns away. I asked her "would you please accept this?" as i handed her the 10 dollar bill, and she turns to me and said "no thank you." (note:this convo was all in vietnamese lol). Really wanting to help her, i insisted "would you please take this? it would make me feel very happy and at ease if you would." She looks at me again, takes the money from my hand and quietly said thank you as she turns away. Regretfully i could do nothing more but leave, but as i started to leave, i found myself crying. There was just so much more that i wanted to do for her, and it hurt me more knowing that all those people were around, but no one bothered to do anything.

Doing something like that for someone made me feel extremely happy. A lot happier than getting any gift that i wanted, and after i got home, i couldn't help but think about her. Wondering if she was alright, how she would get through the night alone. It really pains me because i did not want to leave her. Honestly i just wanted to hug her and tell her everything would be fine. I know there are countless people out there who are less fortunate than me, but getting up close and feeling their pain, it really opens your mind to a lot about life. Even after days passed i still find myself wonder how she is, or where she is. How reality is treating her. How anyone could leave her alone like that. The things i wish i could've done..

Sunday, August 2, 2009 12:14 PM

Alright so recently i've been trying to make an mp3 cover for "officially missing you" and my original song "what did i do" and i've been finding that i'm having a hell of a time doing this lol! Mainly because i don't have any of the instrumentals. If ANYONEEE has any REAL recording equipment, be a good pal and help me out :] or if not, i'm pretty sure a lot of you know what homestudio is, so if you guys know a way to get it for free (aka illegally lol..) also help me out :] summer is closing to an end, and idk what time i'll have to do this when school starts, so it's gonna be best if i can get this sorta help within this month. thanks all!