Friday, July 31, 2009 4:31 PM

Oh wow so i was just writing this blog when my comp froze and the whole thing freakin closed! and it took me a long ass time to write what i had too considering what a short attention span i have lol!! So seeing how i pretty much forgot what i wrote before, time to start all over lol.. BTW you guys like the new update on my blog?? now that i know how to do the background change i'll probably change it more lol!

So as i'm writing this blog, i'm in the process of making a cover to "officially missing you" by tamia using audacity :] doing all the music, over voice, beats, etc, all on my own. but it's really fun actually! who knows how long it's gonna take for me to finish this considering every time i hear myself sing i instantly don't like it hahaha! so i'm going to take a break from that right now cuz i'll never finish this blog at this rate haha.

Tomorrow is my moms birthday, and for that we're going to see some old friends we haven't seen for a while. Tammy and Vicky :] friends since day 1! Tammy and i have been friends since we were born. May 7th/8th 1992, and Vicky may 6th 1994. ironic much? haha. That should be a fun day :] what else is coming up this week.. monday hopefully will be jam sesh with jaine yang! singing partner since freshman year! thursday is sister Pias birthday beach party! can't wait for that! saturday is wifey shirley lius 18th bday party! so many birthdays this week lol.

OH! today i just finished watching my current drama, Shining Inheritance, and it was the last episode!! nooooooooooooooo! i freakin hate how dramas have to end -__- this was probably my all time favorite too.. now i gotta look for a new one that can even COMPETE with this one! Okay now that more fun things are going to happen, i'm going to update more often now :] and have you guys played that restaurant game on facebook?! it's freakin addicting lol!

Friday, July 24, 2009 4:22 PM

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."

When i was little, my parents worked a lot, so my grandma was the one that took care of me most of the time. doing that, she would used to tell me all these stories. one of them i recently came upon again, and it was the story of the "red string of fate".

The story goes, from the very beginning, two people are destined to be together, and for their whole lives, they are bound together by an invisible red thread. No matter what happens through life, they will always be brought together by the thread. it's a bit corny, but i actually called her up again to ask her to tell me this story again haha. guess something i'm more comfortable to do with my grandma than my own parents lol.

My grandma told me that the story took place with a young boy walking along a field, when he meets a stranger. The stranger tells the boy that everyone is bound to the one person they will spend their life together with, and shows the boy the girl that is bound to him by the thread. the boy, being young and not believing in love decided to prove the man wrong, and threw a rock at the girl. Years later, the boys parents planned an arranged marriage for him. He meets his wife, with her face being covered by a veil, and as she lifts it up, he sees a scar that was on her forehead. the boy asked her how she got the scar, and she replied "when i was little, as i was working in a field, some boy threw a rock at me, and it left me this scar". The truth was, the boys bride, was the same girl who he threw the rock at years ago.

idk with a lot of things happening lately, this story keeps being retold in my head. Too bad the string is invisible, cuz i'd sure love to know who i'm being tied to lol.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 6:16 PM


This is probably the longest time that i haven't blogged! i've been hella busy lately with summer school, tutor, work, family stuff, it's crazy! i think i'm busier than i when i was in regular school! wow haha. but not much happened really. i've been hanging out with my cousins a lot, a lot more than usual, which is great! gotten a lot closer the past few weeks due to personal reasons, but it's so much more fun now. oh and i think i got twice as dark now lol.. such a vietnamese disgrace! i should be so much whiter :[

So i got a webcam now, thanks to chris ho!! haha. webcam me! it's so much fun using it :D took senior pics on monday, and i actually liked how they turned out! photographers showed me the pics after they took em, and i really like one of the pics that is gonna go in the yearbook. good thing too ;] Summer school is not that bad either. just that the teacher sucks balls -__- but i get to take it w/ elliot (co-worker) and aileen (abcp)! thank goodness, cuz w/o them i think i'd rot away in summer school haha! um um um.. i'm trying to think of what to talk about because my life has been so boring these days due to summer lol.. OH the song playing right now, my current "druggy song"! that's what i call a song that i'm currently addicted to haha. most addictive song in the world haha. lyrics are good too. story of my life haha..

So on sunday i went to the beach w/ the family except for kevin due to his girlfriend. but we had a lot of fun. chris and i totally ate shit due to the waves haha. whole right side of my body was all red! but by the end of the day, as we were gonna go home, i saw the most beautiful sunset in my life. the perfect scenery. sitting on a sloped hill on the beach, waves crashing beneath you, playing guitars and singing as you're watching the sun set. once in a life time moment right there.

LMFAO! so right now i got called out by my dad, and my sis was like "anh hai(big brother) read this!!" and i read it, and it was a letter someone wrote to us in the mail saying that they would like to buy our house. LOL where the hell did they get the idea that we wanted to sell our house?! freakin retarded, but so funny at the same time hahaha! So usually i put a quote in the beginning of my posts sometimes, and those are the quotes that usually get stuck on my mind for a while. No explanations for this one :] it's my lil secret, so don't even bother asking ;]

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 8:39 PM

Freakin made my week! they never cease to amaze me haha! i'll get into more details about what went down later on during the blog. but for now let's start with earlierrrrr this week shall we? :]

So thanks to ms. rafaelle pia redublo, i've become addicted to the guitar haha! i've been practicing for hours nonstop on 2 songs that i learned from her. i'm yours and officially missing you! man my fingers on my left hand hurt like a bitch! but it's a good pain knowing that you got down the songs :] so guitar is my new thing now haha.

Summer school starting tomorrow.. i'm not exactly thrilled to be back in school, but fucking school had to screw me over last year and now i gotta pay for it -__- coucelors don't do shit for you. oh and monday i get to take my senior pictures! silver session! haha! i have no clue how i should dress for the 2nd outfit. yes i'm actually worrying about this because it's going in the yearbook! effff haha. aileen help me yeah?!

Yesterday stayed at cousins house cuz today we went on a tour of UCLA (most beautiful school campus i've ever seen). started off pretty boring cuz we had no idea what to do haha. and i found out i have some really bad hearing haha.. terrible actually. when it got dark, stayed up to around 2:30 saying we'd go to sleep, but ended up chris and me staying up listening to r&b music and playing guitar all night haha! all nighter. been a hell of a long time since i pulled that, and right now i'm freakin tired like shit lol. gonna collapse soon. we're gonna do a cover to officially missing you! 25th of this month ;] look out for it haha! fun night fun night.

Oh and random note. Wtf happened to big bang?! Haven't heard of them in forever! this is what freakin going to japan does to you! you guys shoulda just stayed in korea making your music there! man they need to come back lol..

~Usher-His Mistakes & BigBang-Top Of The World~

Monday, July 13, 2009 12:08 AM

is becoming hella gay these days. They are on a serious spree on removing videos due to copyright problems, or just removing videos from television shows, etc. I was just watching an aired interview show which had 6 parts to it, and i was going to watch the 4th part, but youtube decided to remove it then -__- that's freakin gay. so i got stuck with watching 3 out of the 6 parts not know what's going to happen. and this isn't the first time this happened either. youtube needs to get their act together or they're just going to lose a lot of viewers. come on youtube! what's your problem?!

Friday, July 10, 2009 11:25 PM

DAUGHTER IN LAW~ happy birthday rose ! :D you are now one of us now! being 17 haha. great to be 17 right? rose i miss you a lot :[ it's been over a year since you've gone away from us.. and i still remember the day i got the news.. you have no idea how much that hurt seeing how we just became good friends too. damn drunk drivers.. hate them with a passion. but you're a hero! you saved another life, but at a great cost.. that's the most amazing thing i've ever heard in my life. you're a hero in my life :]

But enough of that. it's your birthday! the big day just all about YOU! and seeing how you're up there in heaven, this must be the best birthday you've ever had aside from last year. i hope god and the angels throw you a great party! haha what am i talking about?! it's HEAVEN! the happiest place in the whole universe. i'm sure there will be millions of people attending the party, and God at your right hand side :] but i still wish you were here with us.. we coulda celebrated your birthday together with all of us :[ our whole family! but i'm sure you're having a good time. Anyways, i really hope you have a fantastic birthday. being 17 and all :] come into my dreams every now and then yeah? i miss you too much :[ I LOVE YOU DAUGHTER IN LAW~! be happy up in heaven for all of us okay? remember to keep watch over us up there too!

Rose Li

July 10, 1992-May 30, 2008

Wednesday, July 8, 2009 9:32 PM

Blah so summer... it's the time of the year where students get 3 months vacation from school, and they're supposed to just relax and have fun as a reward for a hard working year of school. but for a lot of people, they don't get that! my case for example -__- i haven't head a REAL summer vacation since back in elementary school.. everytime something pops up as an opportunity for me so use my summer vacation, my poor excuse of parents always have to ruin it. For example. My cousins planned a trip to lake havesu for their vacation and decided to invite ME along since we've been talking about it since way before summer started. we were pretty excited about it because all the plans seemed perfect. perfect in MY COUSINS case because their parents aren't total assholes who don't know the definition of "fun". MINE on the other hand, came up with every little possible fucking excuse in the book to NOT let me go. That's just great right? So an opportunity for me to use my summer vacation like any REAL kid was flushed down the tube. and now they're trying to make it up to me by going to vegas with JUST them?! hell nah! if i have to spend a 4 hour car ride with them, i think i'm going to shoot myself. nonethless being in a hotel with them for a couple days. no privacy at all!

So today i got into another daily argument with my "parents" about nothing! constantly bringing up school and etc etc. you know the educational stuff -__- put yourselves in my shoes. if you were only to be talked to by your parents about school stuff, you'd get pissed off too right? apparently they haven't learned that by now, and seeing how they're asian i'd expect them to be smart. HAHA fucking wrong! they just gotta push my limits over and over again until i start yelling and they start yelling, and the routine continues! fun right? talking shit in my face and they act like it's gonna try to "get to me". HELL that shit hasn't worked on my YEARS ago when i built up an immunity to their lil guilt shit haha! OH and you will all love this. when i was arguing with my parents, my mom was all "what do you think summer is for? fun?!" YES she actually asked that question. i swear at that moment i was about to crack up laughing, but it felt a little unappropriate at the time to do so lol. i always say to myself that i want my parents to read my blog just to see how much of a burden they are in my life, but i swear my parents are blind to see it even though i leave it WIDE FUCKING OPEN on my desktop opened to my DAMN BLOG, and they don't even read it! it's a blog filled with your damn kids thoughts! what parent wouldn't wanna read it?! i guess mine are the outcast ones :]

The ONLY escape i have from all of this are my friends who know me in and out. who know what kind of shit i have to go through with my damn folks. and my parents threaten to take me away from that?! HAH ! unless you want me to be a social recluse and never open my mouth in the house (which is how i am at home anyways) then fine! it doesn't bother me that much not talking in this house. i pretty much LIVE in my room because of them so at home i'm pretty much alone all the time anyways. i think it's the fact that my parents have no friends.. seriously i've NEVER seen them go out with a person that isn't a family member! HELLLO! just because you have no friends doesn't mean you gotta go and take away your sons! JUST because you ruined your own childhood doesn't mean you gotta ruin mine! -__-

The highlight of my day was probably talking to my friend Kathie Li lol. That was seriously an entertaining conversation, and she set up the rest of my life for me haha! I'm gonna be married to korean actor Kim So Eun(isn't she cute?!) and we are going to have 3 kids! haha. there's more info involved in there but i don't really wanna go into such great detail lol.
But yeah reading this is depressing right? the way i'm spending my summer! so help me out by making plans so i can get out of this rat hole yes? :] And kathie, what you told me today is still making me think a lot lol.. so many questions and i know where to get the answer, it's just not in my place right now to go there haha.. oh well who knows! maybe you'll play your part in being the grandfather and making things happen ;] (this is an inside thing so yes i know i put grandpa when she's a girl hahaha!)

Monday, July 6, 2009 9:28 PM

"I'm so sorry but I love you it's all lies. I didn't know, but now I do, I need you"

So my last post today was just me throwing a random tantrum as i've been doing all day. i've been in a really bad mood after the extraction of my wisdom teeth and i'm just taking everything out on the next physical thing i see. ughhh this week is gonna be a living hell for me -__-

Despite my numerous tantrums i've been throwing, i've also been doing a lot of thinking. and i mean A LOT. not just my usual questioning, but i'm thinking about things so hard, looking at every possible explanation, every possible reason that could be out there. i'm not gonna go into much detail about what's going on, because this is something i'm keeping to myself, and only myself. But still, i just gotta get it out of my head.

All the songs that go through my head always seem to remind me of the situation i'm in. no matter what song i've been playing through my playlist (which consists of r&b songs), it brings me right back to where i am right now. i'm so angry at myself. so angry at the world for making things this way. so angry at the fact i can't do anything about it. no matter how many times i go about it, i know what the answer is. so why am i still killing myself over it? no this isn't about what happened a couple months back. i think i'm actually starting to forget it. (thank the lord). but this?! this goes back YEARS now! the numerous times i fucked up. the numerous times i still never forgot about it. suddenly all the conversations i've had with all my friends about this is pouring right back in my face right now. that one question someone asked me.. keeps replaying in my head over and over. at that time i gave you an answer. now i'm deciding to take it all back.

i'm on the verge of tears right now. especially the song i've been trying to write. the lyrics reflect everything that's been going on. writing it is one of the most difficult things i can be doing right now. the days back then.. the real days when i was happy. now i'm looking at things now, looking at all the countless people that go through your life. looking at how they're not worth it. looking at how you're getting hurt. looking at how i'm not a part of your life anymore. damn it all.

and my new song
"What Did I do-Brandon Ho"

5:56 PM

AHHHHH i'm about the claw the shit out of my table right now! my face hurts so much i just wanna punch something! FUCKING SHIT!! i hate how you have pain but you can't do anything about it! i'm about to freakin go crazy right now! and the sad part is i only got 2 pulled out today cuz the doctors are dumbasses and won't put me to sleep for all 4. so the next 2 i get pulled out in august, but experiencing the pain right now i'll freakin go insane! AHHH MOTHER FUCKER THIS IS KILLING ME!! another week of this hell.. damn my wall is gonna have like 10 holes in it because of this. another sad thing is that i can't sing for a while :[ i can barely talk w/o my face hurting, but not being able to sing?! hell you guys know me, i'm gonna CRACK!!!

Btw watch this everyone! i fell in love with this song all over again just by listening to this haha. i think i'm gonna learn guitar just for this song :] this girl is like a korean version of charice pempencgo haha! only 16, has a crazy vocal! haha freakin asian singers. makes me proud :]

IU&Park Sang Hyun-Lies Acoustic(Big Bang)

Sunday, July 5, 2009 12:46 PM

This weekend was NOT how i expected it would turn out. i expected it to be 3 days of endless fun, laughs, etc. I mean it was fun of course, but i there was like every emotion you could feel packed into 3 days.. so let's break it down shall we?

Happiness: Stayed at cousins for the weekend. stayed up till 5 in the morning everynight and pulling a prank 3 times throughout the night on our other lil cousin. Got to celebrate 4th of july and made our annual traditional bombs w/ kevin, chris and me. although last years was better. away from my parents for 3 days! freakin great.

Dissapointment: Dad doesn't allow me to go on vacation with my cousins cuz he's being a bitch to me. People misunderstand everything that goes around in this family and they take things into their own hands when it's none of their business. Promises not being kept between people (kevin and chris you guys know what i'm talking about). Unecessary fights. People still not understanding what they did, resulting in hurting a close friend of mine.

Anger: kevin n chris' parents and mine don't understand what we have to go through. Dad doesn't understand how much he encloses me into his little bubble. Manipulating us with the old school guilt trip. plans being ruined because of things going on.

Fear: Watched friday the 13th thursday night even though i'm terribly freaked out by scary movies no matter how un-scary they are. 2 hours of nonstop killing and guy popping around every corner. fear of going home to my own house knowing i'll have to spend the rest of the days w/ my parents... esp. dad. -___-

Sadness: Dongseng.. mianhae. i was really rough with you that night, and seeing what you were going through i shouldn't have done that. it's just you should know much it hurts me as your oppa to see you going through this, and the many times i wonder if you're alright, or if you're still hurt. it pains me a lot to see you acting this way and i just don't want to have to see you go through this anymore. but anyways mianhae dongseng :[ saranghae!

So as you call can see, this is a crazy lil weekend i had.. i guess it just comes w/ the package of "brandons life" seeing how my life is already filled w/ endless drama as it is. This summer vacation doesn't feel like a vacaton at all. it just feels like it's building up all the shit to get me ready for next year where it's gonna explode in my face. This should be fun -__-

Thursday, July 2, 2009 3:22 PM

Wow this week is going by great! started off being kind of a dud like any other week since i usually start off having no plans whatsoever, but after tuesday things got a lot better! btw i absolutely hate tuesdays. so much shit to do on that day for some reason i just hate it!

Yesterday went to the movies as ABP! saw ice age dawn of the dinosaurs haha. i kept laughing at the smallest things that happen, ask Pia! i'm such a little kid when it comes to these kinds of things haha. I guess i just love the small simple things in life ;] Freakin aileen haha! so many blonde moments there! at the ticket booth: "what movie will you be watching?" aileen: "can i get a ticket to.. that one movie? UH!" WOW HAHA! hilarious. after the movie, aileen was spazzing out that she would get in trouble. I was honestly scared for her haha. her mom was seriously trippin out! asian parents -__-. she got home, and then i went over to pias house to chill! More jam sesh! we have more vids coming up soon, so be on the lookout for that! And for those of you who requested for us to sing "i'm yours" the full song, sorry but we kinda messed up working on that, and we got lazy to do it again haha. maybe next time ;] request songs! keep em up haha.

When i got home, my "big bro" texted me saying that i got the part of TaeYang in his lil wedding performance! I've already explained myself way to many times about this, and i'm honestly really lazy to explain it again haha. so if you're wondering why i'm playing as tae yang, then ask me yourself haha. Kari and Karen, you guys were right all along haha. And i was trippin out that i'd get seungris' part LOL! So for those of you who don't know, the performance i'm gonna be doing is going to be a replica of this one down here. TaeYang is the first dude that sings, and i'm going to be doing what he does in this vid. I'm actually scared haha! but i got months of practicing :]

Let's see if i can pull myself together by the time the performance takes place LOL! So tonight i am going to kevin and chris' house to spend the night. about time we got this done haha. our other cousin eric is coming too, so that means PRANK NIGHT! let's see what's up tonight haha ;]

4th of july is coming up! this is where kevin, chris, and i have our lil traditional "make our own firework day" haha. stoked! anyways updated enough. again if you're curious about the performance thing, ask me! :] more jam sesh vids coming up soon! be waiting for them!