Monday, June 29, 2009 7:28 PM This song is currently stuck in my head to no end! My itunes playlist probably replayed this song a good 100 times+ already, and this song barely came out yesterday haha! I'm determined to learn it, making it officially my new mission :] It's been a while since i've learned a korean song, and i gotta admit, it's really hard lol! but now that it's my mission, i can't stop until i got it down! DETERMINED~ the lyrics are really meaningful and really touching. Great song for me right now. "Didn't take it seriously, guess it's all over now. Tore up my map where I had put my last period. Back on the streets, not wandering though, searching for myself. Why bother to run? A whale dreaming of swimming in the blue ocean. Awkward when we first met, grew to care for each other. Spent many years together, sometimes arguing. Stayed up all night together, our history is at dawn. Have sworn to renewed friendship. I know, such a foolish idiot. At a pointed correction, talked to a friend but don't know if that'll be kept. I don't know myself, don't know well, that's the problem. We were friends when we were together. We were like kids. Now i don't know where i am, where i am going. I'm wandering after you're gone. I'm in the darkness, I don't know where you are, where you've disappeared, still feel so alone." That's the first part of the song, and seeing how it's that good, the 2nd part is even better ;] look it up for yourself! i'm lazy putting the whole thing on haha. But yes, this song is something i WILL learn, no matter how much it takes. First korean song to learn in a long time.. However in the end, i'll have that successful feeling that i've completed it. just like any difficult song i've learned ;] official mission starts! hahaha ~TaeYang & T.O.P--Friend~ ![]() Sunday, June 28, 2009 12:06 AM Ever get those times when you're alone, thinking to yourself, deep thinking, as to the point where it hurts? well that's what i'm doing right now, and it's making me question a lot of things going around. Not much going in my head as usual, but something to tick me off just over the limit. You ever been there for someone, and i mean been THERE there, like not just for a bit, but for a long time, going through to an extent for them, doing things you never thought you'd do for a person, helping them through everything, and in the end having them not appreciate you? That's exactly how i feel right now. Through thick and thin, i've been there. Voicing out what i think is right. Doing what i felt was right. and where is it leading me? Down to the pit of darkness. Karen i'm really starting to think about what you said to me that other night.. like really hard. and idk the answer anymore. everything seemed so obvious as i was answering it, but now i'm not sure at all anymore.. What IS right and wrong? Why do i put myself out there only to be stepped on? You're totally right karen. I don't give myself enough happiness in life. That's the one thing about myself i'll never be able to change no matter how much i try. ![]() Thursday, June 25, 2009 2:12 PM so yesterday finally felt like summer for the first time so far! Was supposed to be an ABP day at Pias' house, but Aileen couldn't show up for the upteenth time so i just went alone haha. Got there having a terrible throat condition since i've been sick for the past week, and my singing sucked so bad it's ridiculous! but despite that, the both of us had a strong urge just to sing and record random shit, that we went ahead and did it anyways :] our first lil jam sesh is now on youtube, and it's that video over to the right ---> of my blog right now. So enjoy, and excuse my weird sounding voice cuz i've been coughing up a storm for a while. I could hardly hit the high notes either w/o coughing. so that's NOT my best work haha.. We made so many freakin videos haha. 4 videos of us singing, but only one got uploaded as of now, and the other 3 were just us doing random shit when it was at night haha. The 3 of us doing nothing are pretty funny, and i wanna upload those, but pias parents know her youtube thing, and it was kinda bad cuz we cursed a lot hahaha. so who knows if they'll get on youtube! ask pia about that haha. Spent most of the afternoon singing/making videos, got around evening and we got hungry so decided to order a pizza from pizza hut, but the guy on the phone was a total asshole! no tip for that motherfucker! Swedish fish! haha that was a big part of the afternoon, and it involved a stupid question i asked that i feel pretty embarrassed to mention lol.. that was literally the stupidest thing i've said in a great deal of time LOL i really wished yesterday lasted longer, cuz it was the one day out of the few weeks that passed so far that actually felt like summer. ahhhh i miss it T.T and at the end i got a random nosebleed LOL ! it's in the 3rd video we made if pia uploads it haha! So again, GREAT day! and once again catch that video over there! we'll make better ones soon once i feel better. i just had a strong urge to make a video for the hell of it despite how i've been feeling :] so watch it, rate it, comment, subscribe, w/e ya'll want haha. but be nice please :]
Sunday, June 21, 2009 5:09 PM Let me start this blog off by saying happy fathers day to all the fathers out there! I wish i had that "thankful to have a father" feeling, but i can't really bring my self out to it.. This date.. one year ago was when it all happened. This date would be our one year. I can't believe i'm even still thinking about this after all that happened. Why can't i bring it upon myself to forget it? I didn't really expect a year to go by this fast actually.. Maybe if the year went by slower then i actually might've forgotten by now. I feel really weak and pathetic when it comes to something like this, because it's not in me to forget, no matter how much i want to x.x She knows the truth behind these feelings, and i thought letting it out to that person would make it all better, but in reality it's not.. Just having her know this makes me remember and hold on to it more. Gah why am i like this? I'm actually pretty speechless as i'm writing this blog, but the hurt and memories keep pouring at me. There are just so many things i would've done differently, so many things i would've changed.. Every little slip up from a friend reminding me of what happened brings me into a deep trance thought. And the big question that still goes through my mind... why? ![]() June 21st.. what a date Friday, June 19, 2009 5:04 PM Ok so now that it's summer and i do a lot of NOTHING, there's really nothing to blog about these days lol >< So today i WAS supposed to go to PIAS house to do our lil jam sesh, but ANOTHER thing came up so we have to reschedule AGAIN. great huh? So this whole week that i had filled with plans, i ended up doing NOTHING because i got sick big time.. and i'm barely just starting to get better right now.. This summer really seems to suck right now because nothing good seems to be happening.. my sad excuse of a dad is trying to get me into these countless tutoring things when i already have enough to do with summer school and SAT 2's.. this guy doesn't know when to give me a break! I had everything thought out of how to spend my summer, and his lil tutoring shit is going to screw everything up for me! It makes no sense getting me into these tutoring things when i'm going into my senior year.. pointless! This summer is not how i expected it to turn out.. it's barely been a week and i feel like it can't get any worse from here.. great summer huh? -__- ![]() my only cure from all this T.T Wednesday, June 17, 2009 7:05 PM This summer seems to be going by so slow! Not even kidding, i'm looking at the date, and it's only wednesday.. I guess i've gotten used to the long hours out of the house and all. I'd probably be out enjoying myself right now if i didn't have to get sick.. damn i really hate this right now x__x So many things going on, so many thoughts spinning around. I need to get a grip on myself because summer isn't supposed to be this way! Being at home all the time sucks.. Especially since i'm stuck at home all day with my dad.. I honestly cannot wait until i spend a couple weeks at my cousins house! Get away from the old geezer and his constant bickering. As of now i really miss everyone, and i hope you're all having a great time! we all gotta kick it! hit me up on the cell!!! I'm pretty much free all summer cept for the end of july lol! Anyways more update later. So lazy to blog right now even though i have nothing to do LOL! ![]() Friday, June 12, 2009 11:20 PM ![]() Finals! Over! and they weren't as terrible as i expected! Operation "friends help friends cheat on finals" was a success! haha just like 1st semester ;] we are so pro haha! but FUCK TALKING ABOUT FINALS! who cares about that shit right?! I should be talking about JUNIOR YEAR and WHAT'S TO COME! ![]() ![]() ![]() Another heart break T.T graduation.. I'm beyond proud of you guys, but you have no idea how much i am going to miss you! And to make it worse, one of my best friends is leaving! GELENE! i love you grand daughter :[ I'm so proud of you, but it's like having a family member going away for a long time.. We will always be Brandon, Gelene, and Nikki, the TRUE family :] Come back and visit us!! and to Shirley Liu and Jonathan Lei! Grats to you both on graduation AND on your guys' relationship ;] i always knew you guys would turn out like this LOL! GROUP ABCP! I freakin love you guys! for you slow people who haven't figured out who ABCP is by now, it stands for group Aileen, Brandon, Cristin, Pia :] these people got me through so much and i am so proud to call them my close friends! Pia my awesome bestfriend/sister! you have no idea how much has happened between us two! No one has been through this much with me! it's unbelievable! I love you so much! AILEEN! my lil whore who can sing like BEYONCE~ HEEEEY hahaha! Jam SESH over the summer and become youtube stars!! hahaha! Cristin! Thanks for being there through thick and thin! We've had like one fight, but we're cool enough to get around it ;] YOU DRIVE SO FUCKING FAST ON A THROUGH TRAFFIC STREET! GEEZ LOL! take a rest on the boys though. you're gonna totally crush em to nothing LOL! ![]() I just want to thank you guys so much for helping me through everything! Despite all the hard things that happened this year, this was actually my most memorable. To the seniors that left, i want to wish you the best in your future, and good luck with everything! i want to let you guys know how proud i am of you guys. felt like only yesterday i was a freshman and you guys were sophmores haha.. next year it's my turn and you better be there! and to our c/o 2010! BRING ON SENIOR YEAR BITCHES! we're gonna divine and conquer! let the school remember the SENIOR MILLIONAIRES forever! Saturday, June 6, 2009 10:28 PM ![]() whoa i just noticed that it's been a while since i last updated! been so busy lately because finals are coming up pretty soon. been doing last minute cramping in on studying, but i doubt i'm gonna get anywhere.. This week has been pretty satisfying! got an A on my lab practical for chem which is a miracle! and it was such a high A too ! Presented for english on tuesday, volunteered so i could just get it over with. And now i'm just waiting to do my spanish oral on monday. x.x i think i actually might fail that.. Oh well! just a week left of school, and i'm gonna give it my all :] So this week all the seniors left.. i was so sad! i literally felt like crying because so many of my good friends left, and not to mention my best friend Gelene Cabacungan :[ no more 2 grandaughters and grandpa x.x it's just gonna be me and nikki next year.. -cries- it was so depressing signing all the senior yearbooks and writing about our memories for the past 3 years. omggggggg i can't believe you guys left! next year is going to seriously suck without you guys seeing how you all made this year so much fun. i really don't want to look forward to next year just yet >< Well on a happier note, i saw Up yesterday, and THAT WAS THE BEST PIXAR MOVIE EVER! i freakin loved it! i swear i thought Russel died 5 times. hahaha alex you should know. i was literally freaking out when i thought he died hahahahaha! and the dog! i wish i had a collar like that for my dog to talk now! "i was hiding under your porch because i love you. can i come in?" ahhhhh i just wanted to keep that dog hahahha! So right now i'm on the phone 3 waying with Karen and Kari :] haha you guys make me laugh. ONE MORE WEEK OF SCHOOL! i just gotta get through this, and we're home free! but over the summer Aileen and i gotta study up for SAT 2's.. gross right? |
About Me ![]() Name: Brandon Ho Age: 17 Hobbies: Singing SN: azndudebrandon that's all you need to know about me. However if you'd like to know more, ask! That Song Youtube ![]() Archive •September 2008 •October 2008 •November 2008 •December 2008 •January 2009 •February 2009 •March 2009 •April 2009 •May 2009 •June 2009 •July 2009 •August 2009 •September 2009 •October 2009 •December 2009 •April 2010 |