Sunday, May 31, 2009 8:32 PM

This weekend.. What a merry go round.. I feel like my heart is crying a river, and it's not letting up anytime soon.. And the week coming up isn't going to make me feel any better because i have so much stuff to do i'm gonna go insane.

Why is it that i keep getting so many mixed feelings for people? I'm such an indecisive person as it is, and having this to deal with doesn't help me at all.. i wish time would just stop so i can take a breather from this crazy thing we call life. I've seen so many tears and sadness this week coming from other people, and now the sadness is catching me too. bahh i miss the days back in jr. high when we didn't have to worry about this kind of stuff. but above all, what i really wish is that things would rewind a couple months back. hell there are a lot of things i would've done differently then.

i seriously hate the fact that the only genre of music i really listen to is r&b because it doesn't help my mood at all lol. i need summer to come now! that way all this crazyness can take a break for a couple months hopefully.. i miss my old house a while back when we had a big lake in the backyard.. i miss sitting there at night when i felt sad or confused. i miss seeing the moon reflect off the lake making it look like it was glowing. hell if i still lived there i think i'd be out there every night lol..

Friday, May 29, 2009 10:31 PM

Hahahahaha after school today was the best! So Pia, Aileen and i planned to go to the shoppes after school, but PIA ditched us cuz her mom came early to take her home.. so it was just an AB day at the shoppes haha.

Freezing cold, went to Panera Bread for the first time for me hahaha. Clam chowder in a bread bowl~ mmmmmmmmm!After that, we went out and sat on the benches, in the freezing cold, and sang our lil hearts out to the same song for about 2 hours HAHA! insomnia -- craig david~

BEST PART OF TODAY WAS... we were in Forever 21 cuz Aileen was looking for something, and i ran into a freakin angel! CARISSA RAE MARTIN~! for those who don't know her, she's a singer, dancer, actress, all of the above haha ;] talk about a perfect package! so i wanted to talk to her sooo bad, but i was beyond scared D: AILEEN YOU SHOULDA PUSHED ME HARDER! i got up so close to her too hahaha! ;] but damn she has a boyfriend :[ i'm so sad after that.. but oh well~! i got to meet her today, and that totally made my day hahaha! now all i gotta do is meet CATHY NGUYEN and my life is complete!!!!!

insomnia -- craig david~

Tuesday, May 26, 2009 8:56 PM

can seriously fuck it! there is so much shit to do it's ridiculous! and i kinda wish yesterday we had school, so that way i might've actually worked! wasted away my whole freakin weekend. damn procrastination sucks! comes around and bites you in the ass. So right now i'm trying to finish my lab for chem due tomorrow while working with Bindi, BUT WE HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE HOW TO DO THE LAST CALCULATION! effff!

So many things due this week! math notebook due thursday when ms. fucking Hordoan didn't even give us back our last notebook -__- chem test and hw due on friday, when no one in the freakin class knows what's going on in this chapter. Literally i'm pretty sure 5 people out of all his classes know what to do.. ridiculous. English project due monday that i need to finish. Spanish notebook due... FUCK TOMORROW! FML! all my finals coming up.. going to really get down on spanish since that's my worst grade right now.. can't afford to let it go down anymore...

I remember back in the day when the last 2 weeks of school were fun. Damn things went DOWNHILL when high school started.. 2 more weeks of school, 2 more weeks of hell..

Monday, May 25, 2009 6:03 PM

"God is the reason that things happen for a reason. Despite the hurt and sadness that we experience, we will emerge as something greater than what we once were"

This weekend has been a hell of a weekend.. I'm not enjoying it the least bit except for friday afternoon..So many heart breaks and dissappointments.. how much can 3 teens at this age bear..? For this age to be experiencing this much.. idk how to really put it into words but hell it hurts so much.. i guess i'll know what to teach my children in the distant future lol.. but seriously! So much happened within 3 days... it's ridiculous!

Why do people change so much? I'm really speechless right now as i'm writing this blog, and it shocks me as to how much drama gets chained into another one after one is finished.. I'm so fed up with countless of my friends getting hurt. I'm so fed up with all the shit that goes around that never seems to stop. What a way to end the year huh? with only 2 weeks of school left, drama went all out on us. And with finals coming up too?! fuck. Going through this much as it is, i think we'd be able to get through this, but wow we were surprised huh? I really don't know what more to say to this.. But that i will do whatever it takes in my power to help my friends, no matter what.

Saturday, May 23, 2009 2:27 PM

= 4. Not a very hard math problem right? Many things in life are like this, not very difficult at all, but there is always someone who can't seem to figure it out. However, i refuse to give up on helping them understand, because they are my friends.

I'm not one to let my friends go by hurt, confused, and un-answered. it's not in my nature to do that. Even if two friends are going at it, i'll always be the one to help both of them. If we laugh together, talk together, hang out together, then you're my friend, and once that happens, it's not going to change unless you REALLY fuck up, in which case only like 2 people in my life have done. But unless you didn't, we'll be friends, and will remain friends, in which case i will be here to help you no matter what. Just because i get mad or upset doesn't mean that things are over. it takes a lot for things to end between me and my friends.

You think i won't forgive you, but in reality i was never mad at you. You gave me a chance when all this started out, and in return i gave you my friendship. This situtation is surprisingly simliar to another situation i've been dealing with, or i should still STILL dealing with. However in this case, i'm still here to help you because you've earned it. The other peron on the other hand did not. He had it, but fucked up too much to gain back my trust. I'm not one to give out 2nd chances so easily, and that person lost his chance, and is not getting it back. You however, you didn't lose it, and you're still doing a pretty good job of keeping it. The things i said last night, i only said it out of the fact that i care. If i didn't care for a friend, i wouldn't even go through this much trouble to feel concerned. I could've let you just go on your way, cuz honestly it's not that much of a loss to me because i wouldn't have to be dealing with this hardship right now. I'm still here right now, hurting and dissappointed, but nonetheless i'll still be here to help you.

Thursday, May 21, 2009 5:48 PM

"It's just when I sing a song, any song, I try to be true to my heart, to understand the emotions and convey the meaning of the words in the most heartfelt way"

Ok that quote really got to me lol. Many of you people know me as loving music, and above all loving to sing, so you'd probably understand why this quote really caught my attention =] This quote was said by DongYoungBae, aka TaeYang ;]

I really look up to Young Bae hyung as an idol, no not because he's asian, or because he's really famous, etc, but that he really looks at music in a different perspective, really different than most people. Many people sing because they know they sound good, and for a lot of people that's all the matters, the fact that you sound good, but with him that's not the case, and believe it or not i'm really learning from him. Like the quote says, staying true to your heart and understanding the emotions to convey the meaning of the words in the most heart felt way. That to me is the way people should sing or express any form of music.

I never really understood why i loved singing so much, but just the fact that i loved doing it, and that it is the best thing i could do, but i think today i really felt an impact with this quote, and maybe it will just bring me a new experience when it comes to music and singing =] Thanks DongYoungBae!!

Monday, May 18, 2009 7:21 PM

This was by far the best birthday i've ever had. I love these two girls Gelene Cabacungan and Nikki Horita~! Damn these two are the FIRST people to actually start making me tear up in person like that lol.. and they got it on camera!! I'M RUINED T.T But this was the amazing that i was speechless to words hahaha.

So first they came to my house holding up the poster you see up there, ALL nice and stuff, lamentated, saying all our little inside jokes and the countless pictures we took together haha. So after my lil tear fest i was about to have, they blindfolded me and took me on a car ride to hell knows where haha. So after a pretty scary car ride, we arrived, and i was being led BLINDFOLDED to where we were going to go, and it was SHABU SHABU which was the first day out we've been as the 3 of us =] there we had dinner, and after that we went to CUEEE! took our family pics haha. After that we had dessert, and it was MY turn to surprise them ;] Ordered a GIANT ice cream sundae that even us 3 had trouble finishing haha. It was priceless seeing their reaction as it came lol.

After that, i THOUGHT we were done, but they were all "time to blindfold you again" and i was like wtf?! So we went for another drive, and we came to this place that was hella loud! i could hear all these people talking and laughing, and i'm just thinking to myself "wow this is embarrasing being led blindfolded to a place crowded with people". And they took of my blindfold only for me to be standing in front of the CHUCK E CHEESE BAND, and i literally jumped and had a heart attack! Scared the shit out of me LOL! man it's been years since i've been to this place, and it was actually fun! Just seeing 3 teenagers walking around yelling and playing games, must be fun for the people to watch haha. So after a while we finally went home, and i couldn't help but smile for the rest of the night.

That was such a special thing for anyone to do to me, and you guys have no idea how much that meant to me. I love you guys sooo much words can't even explain. You guys are the best friends ever! I'm so glad i went to ayala now haha. seeing how i got to meet two awesome people like you guys =] Nikkis birthday is next in line out of us 3! I'm gonna get you back twice as hard hahaha! SO WATCH OUT! ;]

Oh yeah! Just want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DONG YOUNG BAE!!! 당신에게 축 생일을 바라고, 당신 살아있는 우물 가까운 장래에 희망하기!

8:29 AM

Why Cristin?! I am not happy with you right now..
I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THAT LIKE HOW MANY MONTHS AGO?!?! but do you listen to Dr. HO?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! -___- you should really start listening to people lol.. so i like how you're sitting right next to me reading this as i'm writing it haha. OH YEAH! BLOGSPOT WORKS IN SCHOOL NOW!! so happy hahaha. Ok this was a short notice just for Cristin D. Magat since she's part of ABCD i must feel concerned lol.. I'll do a real update tonight. LISTEN TO OTHER PEOPLE CRISTIN!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:26 PM

I feel so relieved now that half the things i had to do aren't due tomorrow. This was probably the ONLY smart thing Ms. Hordoan has done all year by making things due next week. Now i can actually breathe! Shit hahaha. Too bad i still have a crap load of things to do, but on the bright side they aren't due tomorrow so it's all good! Cept for the damn chemistry stuff tomorrow, and the TEST tomorrow that i know i'm going to fail because i have no clue how to do this chapter..

So much fun this week =] Went out with ABCD group, D for Derek since we added him in haha =] Love this group. Always chilling at the shoppes, eating A LOT of food, hanging at the library to study haha. (we're nerds i know, but stfu we're asian!) . Having ABC freakin out about our futures lol! UCI FTW! Messing with Cristin about her new LOVERRR~ Cristin Aledia hahahaha! jk. (cristin if he reads this blog you're fucked haha). Having Cristin drive me home going 60MPH ON A TRAFFIC STREET! damn girl haha. but i love how she drives! she's this 4ft. 10" girl, and you see the steering wheel literally like 3 cm. in front of her LOL. Hilarious shit right there. This group is great. Love them.

You all remember that song "love" by musiq soulchild i said i was determined to learn?! Well i got that down! fuck it was hard hahaha. but at least i got it now ;] Now all i gotta do is wait for Jaine Yang to finish learning it so we can record this sucka hahaha. Music, singing, WOW! Been doing a lot of that! That means i'm in a good mood haha. Right now i'm trying to learn a new song called "try smiling" by Daesung, which is this korean song, but the lyrics are really meaningful and they're so sad lol.. But that's my next song mission =]

So today after school, Pia and i went to the choir room because i was thinking about signing up for auditions to join VOCALS ENSAMBLE. i am quite indecisive about this, but Pia ended up signing my name in anyways.. Shit so now i'm kinda wondering if i should stick through with this, or if i should not. Because it takes up so much time, and i don't feel like i'm that dedicated. What do you guys think? OPINIONS PLEASE?! should i do this? and tryouts are next friday, SHITTT

Song stuck on my head again haha. "only look at my" by tae yang!!! DONG YOUNG BAE!

naram barabwa -- tae yang~

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 9:04 PM

OK this is starting off to be a pretty bad week LOL! For reals i have so much shit to do this week it's ridiculous. i SHOULD be doing my hw right now, but SINCE THEY FUCKING BLOCKED BLOGSPOT FROM SCHOOL, i have to do it at home instead of the usual first period with Cristin D. Magat haha..

Chemistry test on friday, MATH test on friday, loads of chemistry hw due friday, math notebook due friday, test for history tomorrow (which i should be studying for), MATH EXTRA CREDIT DUE FRIDAY (FUCK!), english project due... idk BUT FUCK IT'S A PROJECT! i would say "FML" like any other people would say, but i feel people use that term too literal these days and it's becoming pretty overrated lol..

So right now my body is aching like shit and i don't know why.. i have a million college information and brochures in front of me that i got today with Aileen during lunch from the career center haha. had to work today and i'm overly exhausted right now. Head feels like it's going to explode, and i just wanna sleep, but i have so much shit to do ! NAY! (insider with cristin and aileen haha). Speaking of cristin and aileen, the 3 of us have been total nerds for the past few weeks, and now we make up group "ABC"! if you don't get why we are named that then.. wow.. LOL!

I just want time to stop so i can take the time to lie on my bed, have all the lights off except for the light of the brightly lit moon, turn on the loud music from my computer (which consists of sad r&b songs and sad asian music LOL) and just sleep the stress and troubles away. Man right now i just wanna climb on my roof and stare at the night sky. damn!

Sunday, May 10, 2009 1:40 PM

This week i felt so appreciated and loved for. This was probably the best birthday i've had =] i just want to thank all my friends. i love you guys!!

so yesterday had a party at my house =] not as many people came as i expected, but nonetheless i still had a great time with those who did come ! haha freakin parents kept saying KIMCHI over and over (insider with kathie and i lol). i kinda wish yesterday lasted longer. gets me away from all the mess of my regular life.
so right now i'm still sick cuz yesterday i kept coughing to no end, and i still feel so congested all the time -_- damn. i hate being sick =[ i don't like this feeling. ughhhh i wish tomorrow was no school so i could sleep in hahaha. this weekend wore me out big time ><

last night while lying in bed, looking outside at the night sky and the moon.. idk i just got me thinking about a lot of stuff, and having the soft, soothing asian music playing on my computer, idk it really fit the mood lol. i just wish i could climb on my roof and stare at the night sky while having the imaginary sad music come playing like they do in shows or dramas lol.

stupid family feud going on right now.. everyday i hear this phone convo between my dad and my grandma going on for hours, and it's involving some personal family matter that my cousins and i find stupid to no end. and the worst part, my dad is keeping my sis and i away from everyone just because of his problems.. this is retarded because they are my family! my cousins, who have been there for me since the start of day 1, and i'm being kept away from them because of my dads personal matters that don't involve me.. that's so unfair and i want to tell him how much it hurts everyone, but i just KNOW that he's going to yell at my face..

ughh i wish it was nighttime right now so i can somehow get on the roof and stare at the endless night sky lighted by the bright glowing moon. stuff like this really takes my mind away from reality and into my deep thoughts.

Thursday, May 7, 2009 7:56 PM

WOOOT so today was my 17th Birthday! Today was sooo much fun, and i owe that to my awesome friends and family =]

SCHOOL! Just coming to school i got a heartwarming greeting by everyone. Bindi, Karen, Kelly, Mavis, Christine, you guys are great =] It's always fun watching you guys goof around and being stupid haha. And today at lunch christine got a solo for poly!! What a bday present right!? hahaha so cool!

Pia and Aileen!! HAHA thanks for making me walk to the senior parking lot in the morning only telling me i don't need to so i gotta walk all the way back PIAAA! But thanks for the present you two! i totally knew what it was right when i saw the bag was from barnes and nobles hahaa! AILEEN WE ARE GONNA BE SUMMER NERD BUDDIES! :D

Cristin D. Magat! Haha thank you so much for "lil ho". even though you asked for him back =P jerk..but you always brighten up my day cristin! and thank you for doing that on my birthday today :D FUCK MR. MOUNTS DEBATE! THIS IS DEPRESSING LOOKING AT PEOPLE KILLING ANIMALS!

Laryssa and Brooke! you guys are lil ms. bakers LOL! You guys made theeee best brownies and cookies =] ask anyone! they all loved it when i gave em some haha. freakin moochers. at least this time you didn't make me pay Laryssa hahaha! Malia I LOVE YOU~! hahaha best chem and math buddy=] and you know you love my singing~

Gelene and Nikki! LOL thank you guys for a crazy lunch! the cupcakes i thought were meant for EATING! who knew it would turn into an all out cupcake war! You guys totally got my face and it was so nasty going through the last 2 periods like that hahaha. BUT I GOT YOU NIKKI! just wait gelene. i'm going to SMASHHH a cupcake into your face haha! And you two said you're not even done with my present yet.. WHAT IS IT?! i am so curious now T.T

DONGSAENG~! haha thanks for being there for me today ;D you always know how to make me smile~! DONG YOUNG BAE~ hahahaha! and you sicko for choosing a picture that had THAT poster in the background haha! freakin pervert. I'm curious as to what you're sending me though. Now i know how you felt when i made you wait for your present haha. damn i guess this is revenge for making you wait so long >< OPPA AND DONGSAENG~!

And SURPRISINGLY my lil sister Britney!! I came home today into my room, and it was covered with posters and banners saying happy birthday brandon! and she POPS out of the closet all "SURPRISE!" haha even i gotta admit that was cute. So i guess today OUT OF THE VERY FEW INSTANCES where i will love her haha. The pic up there was the banner she made me. Cute huh?

THANKS EVERYONE FOR MAKING TODAY SUCH A GREAT BIRTHDAY! i think this was the most fun birthday i've had so far =] Sadly my dad didn't even say happy birthday to me yet.. but oh well that's okay. I have my mom, sis, BEST FRIENDS IN THE WORLD to make up for that. I'm so thankful for what the year has brought me. and the funs now over yet! PARTAYYY THIS SATURDAY AT MY HOUSE! you all better come ;]

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 8:04 AM

Ok just a short lil notice. So yesterday i was out of school for a day because i got sick big time, and now in comp tech. class (aka my blogger/homework/study/sleeping class) i'm trying to cram in studying for a spanish test that i didn't know i had, scrambling to find a lab printout for lab #9 because teacher took it off his site, get my math notebook together because it's due either tomorrow or thursday.. Crap this is gonna be a hell week! AND ON MY BIRTHDAY!!! Cristin D. Magat and i have our history presentation on friday, and we didn't even start yet! Stupid debate on animal experimentation! Damn procrastination bites big time! AIYA! hate lagging like this. but only 28 more days of school! i think.. or somewhere in that number hahaha.

Monday, May 4, 2009 4:14 PM

LOVEEE~! Damnnn this song~! I am determined to learn this song! But hell it's a hard song T.T i'm having a hell of a time trying to get it right lol! but i am determined =]
So today i didn't go to school due to my sickness that it fucking killing me -__- i think i'm starting to get better. But i got dongsaeng sick too so i'm not alone~ your welcome! ^-^ i really hate missing school really lol.. i hate having to make up all the work just on the ONE day of being out.. this is high school folks.. not like missing nap time back in the days..

Despite the fact that my throat hurts like a bitchhh, i still gotta sing ;] Come on most of you know me well enough to know that i can't get through a day without singing at least ONCE! if i don't then my day will feel like a total dud haha. i guess that's just how dedicated i am =] and at this very moment, i am trying to sing the song "love" but hell it's so hard!! But hey once i do get it, it's all gonna pay off. JAINE! this should be the song we gonna record! Hella bomb song haha!

Oh my goodness. This girl right here~~ freakin karen had to send mark and i the link to the dress she was gonna buy, but it HAD to be modeled by THIS GIRL~ (whose name i do not know lol..) freakin angel from up above! Freakin asian models are always beautiful to no end~ screw the american ones. can't even compete with this!!!

Ok so my birthday is this week on thursday! i'm excited really! gonna be 17 haha. But then again i'm a year closer to being 18, and that's just a scarier road ahead and i guess i'm just not that ready for it. OH WELL. i guess when the time comes, the time comes! nothing we can really do about that.

HAHA freakin AIM convo with dongsaeng:

AznDudeBrandon (4:00:58 PM): WORK ON THA THIGH NOTE FOOL
kacykari (4:01:02 PM): O-O
AznDudeBrandon (4:01:03 PM): MUST I TEACH YOU?!
kacykari (4:01:04 PM): THIGH!?

haha damn me and my bad spelling.

Ok i'm done here =] day got a lot better for me actually haha. thursday to look forward too!!

musiq souldchild -- love ♫

Sunday, May 3, 2009 12:48 PM

"Why can't people take the time to put themselves in the other persons position?"

Gah like the title says.. I've been sick since friday, and hell it's taking its toll on me. No i don't have the swine flue (hopefully) but soar throat, coughing, and temporary fever.. Shit not feeling well at all. Friday i was already feeling sick, but when i woke up on saturday, fuck that totally killed me. Throat hurt so much i could barely speak, felt like my head was going to explode.. UGHH

Woke up on saturday getting pretty depressing text messages about something that pretty much ruined my day.. This is not how i pictured things would work out, and on my previous posts, when i said that you guys should talk to me about things that are bugging you, then seriously talk to me about it! it doesn't do anyone any good going behind my back when i'm the one that have the answers to it.. You get mad at me with literally no explanation, so seriously how can i not be mad back? Seriously out of the fucking blue you get mad at me, and i'm literally dumbfounded by the thought because i have no idea what's going on. That's not what best friends are supposed to be doing, and i thought i knew you guys better.

Also fuck the fact that i love r&b and sad asian music.. That type of stuff doesn't help me during times like this.. not at all.. T.T and damn the fact that pretty much for this problem i have no one to talk it out with.. life is not looking out so great right now, and the thing is, the people i usually talk it out with are the ones involved in this.. fucking great. The funny thing is, you guys don't take the time to try and put yourselves in my position. You guys should know me better that i don't do things without a reason, and you guys don't try to see that possibility, but instead you guys jump to conclusions..

I really wish things would just fast forward to the part where we all make up and become friends again. I wish that sadness was an emotion we don't have to feel. I wish that best friends would keep their titles as best friends. Damn life is really fucking itself over big time..

Friday, May 1, 2009 7:33 AM

Omg so i am FREAKING OUT right now because i am starting to cough, and i'm so paranoid that i might have swine flu! OMG! Yesterday i started coughing, and then this morning i woke up and my throat started hurting! Brittany said that i don't have swine flu because she went to the doctors for the same thing that i'm having, but i'm still scared as fuck! i'm not even kidding LOL!

i mean this sounds hella stupid right now, but fuck if i get swine flu my life is fucked! i don't want to die at this age! Cristin D. Magat is not making me feel any better because she's telling me to get the fuck away from her, and Phil told me that i won't live to be 20! My friends are great right? -___-

Tonight ima go to the doctors to check up and see if i have the SWINE FLUUUUUUU! Last night i told me mom that i was coughing, and i swear she acted as if i was going to die! She ran to my dad and was all "HONEY BRANDON'S COUGHING! WE NEED TO GET HIM TO THE DOCTOR!" haha shit's hilarious. Ok so i just wanted to let you know that i might have the swine flu =] fucking great right?!? RIGHT?!