Monday, March 30, 2009 9:04 PM

ohmygoodness this is beyond bad. I swear my life has never been this depressing since.. EVER! If I could cuss I'd be cussing up a storm right now. My dad has never been a bigger dick in my life than he is right now. Constantly lecturing me about school, telling me I'm not trying, when I am! Jesus I can't ever seem to satisfy this guy! I get an A, and any other father would be proud! NOOO not him! He has to be all "keep that A brandon, bring it up to an A+!" Kevin no matter what you say, I'm not gonna change how I feel. Your dad is a 100x better than mine.

Every time I talk to the old man I want to cuss him out or punch him or something! It's driving me insane! I think I've lost all connections towards him. I always had hope that the connection would grow stronger, but at this point it feels like it's going to whither away to nothing. A faded memory. Honestly I don't care anymore. He can say w/e he wants to me, but it's just gonna be a litlle speck of dust in my life. I have a million other things to worry about than what he says to me. Eff him.

Writing this blog without cussing it out is beyond hard. The day I get my license is the day I will never be home. I"ll stay in the library, I'll work more hours, SOMETHING! As long as I don't have to be home in his stupid presence.. They say you never appreciate things until they're gone. Hehe whoever said that, they're funny, really funny.


Saturday, March 28, 2009 3:10 PM

Been a little while since I've updated. A lot of things have happened, and ehhhh things are getting really weird lol =/

OKAYYY first off I FINALY got my permit! Haha now I can drive legally, sorta.. That's probably the one good thing that happened this week. Schools being a lil dick as always, and I'm seriously starting to worry about my grades again! They suck right now, and I'm not sure if I can pull them up in time! I need to start getting my act together, and idk how I'm going to do that if my friggen math teachers sucks balls, and spanish is getting harder and harder! UGHHH I'm seriously screwed.. And to make it worse, I'm pretty sure my SAT score went down the drain with this second test! God someone shoot me now please!

As if this wasn't enough, SHE is making my head raddle back and forth! Constant thoughts getting shot through my head, heart telling me this and that. I want to sort this out NOW, but how am I supposed to do that with all these different feelings running around? I wish time would stop for the longest time so that I can take a breather, and sort the countless things that go through my life everyday.

So now I'm sitting in my room trying to do homework, at the same time trying to figure out what to do about school, and her, and other useless things I don't need to be doing but my crazy dad is making me do. I wanna finish the drama that everyone is making me watch, and it's getting good haha! There's an actress in there, and she's FRIGGEN SEXY! omgggg Han Chae Young~ <3 I'd marry her if I could! omg can anyone get this cute?!

Gotta watch more of this drama haha!
Han Chae Young, SARANGHAE~ <3


Sunday, March 22, 2009 7:52 PM

Dang not in a very good mood right now.. I know this is so out of my head to be doing, but why am I suddenly getting flash backs of the good ol days.. Why am I suddenly feeling the hurt inside all over again.. Why is it that I'm not strong enough to throw away the pictures and memories that I keep hanging on too.

I just had to be stupid and open up a file that contained all the pictures of the days when we were happy.. Smiles, laughter, hugs, happiness... UGHH motherrrr.. Killing me inside right now to no end. When I was looking at those pictures, so many memories came pouring back at me that I swear I wanted to cry.

I still kept the keepsake she's given me, and when I took it out again, it was rusting away.. It had copper colors all over it, on the name, date, year, everything.. That's so ironic right? It's like a symbol telling me this was never going to work out.. God this whole tragedy happened like what 2 months ago?! Why is it that I'm brought back to all the pain again?

I feel like screaming, screaming so loud as to the point the whole world can hear me. I wanna punch the crap out of my wall right now. I wanna cry away all the memories that are being kept inside me. I wanna forget all the things that happened. Why does God give us all a heart just to have it being crushed in the end..?


Friday, March 20, 2009 6:50 PM

End of a pretty chill week. Not much happened that made me completely delirious. However..

Lately I feel like I need someone.. I've been seeing this girl everyday now, and it's just.. Gives me a crazy feeling really. I don't know what this is, but when I'm with her I can't help but smile. I keep thinking back at myself if it's too soon for me to move on already since it was only about a month ago since.. yeah.. But what am I gonna do?! I see her everyday, and she's just everywhere! The times when we're together with friends, or alone with just the two of us, it's just so much joy and smiles.

She tells me things that set me on edge. Is this infatuation or what? Cuz I don't remember infatuation feeling this way. Heart beating faster, different feeling when I'm around her, endless smiles, hugs, put them all together and what?! GAH this is driving me crazy. I think it's too soon honestly, but if I like a person what can I do? Not like I can just tell myself to stop liking them! Doesn't work that way. This has been on my mind for a week now.. Geez I need to chill out. Answers will come to me in time.

Anyways, tomorrow gonna take my permit test.. About friggen time. Probably gonna fail cuz I'm gonna be too preoccupied with my current problem! Why can't high school be simpler?! UGH!! I'm out. Just gotta clear my head and get this out.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009 6:21 PM

So today was friggen boring! Slept until 10:30 cuz the sophmores were taking their exit exam, so I saw no point in going to school for 3 hours doing nothing. It was kinda funny how all the teachers tell us to go to school in the morning, but no one went haha. Friggen greedy teachers.. Only reason they want us to come to school early is cuz they get paid, and if we don't show up then they don't. Wtf?! Screw them, I could hardly care less if they get paid or not, especially since I hate like half my teachers.

So anyways.. Got to school, "worked" in first period and played games haha. (It's computer tech class and the teacher doesn't even know what to do, so might as well just have fun). Lunch seemed way to long actually.. It was burning hot outside, and I thought it would be cold in the morning so I wore a long black sleeve shirt with another shirt inside, and I swear I was gonna fry. It was fun hearing a mess of people scream cuz bees keep coming by us haha. But hey they're friggen wasps! Big ones too. Anyways after lunch, went to history class. Gee that was fun.. And what makes it worse was that I got stuck with a person in my history group that I did not wanna get stuck with.. Wtf it's gonna be english last year all over again for our final project.. UGH oh well. Just gonna go by as if that person isn't even there. So after history, went to math, and I actually learned today in math cuz Pia wasn't there!! Ditched me again lol.. Stupid math teacher! I swear she's the worst math teacher I've ever had in my life! After that, went to work. Ugh today was not my favorite day at work.. The kids were getting on my last friggen nerves! I swear it's not that hard to use a LITTLE bit of your head and concentrate! Ugh I wanted to smack half of them today! I'm only really fond of 2 of my students, since they're the lil kids that actually listen! haha I wish they were my lil bro/sis. So now I'm at home getting ready to make a history video that I pulled off till the last minute (as usual)

Anyways tomorrow sleep till 10:30 again, then second period writing stupid essay thing, lunch, 4th period chem, getting ready to make ice cream the next day! and then 6th period spanish.. joy.. ELLIOT TEACH ME KOREAN! I swear I felt like an outsider today when master kim, jason and alex were all speaking korean and I'm just sitting there.. ANYONE KNOW A GOOD KOREAN SCHOOL?!?! Anyways I'm out! Till next time =]


Sunday, March 15, 2009 11:24 AM

This was by farrrr, the most epic fail wedding I have been to in my entire life! Nothing went the way it was supposed to work out, and I was friggen laughing throughout the whole thing!

Ok first off, how many times do you see the grooms mother trip over a cord while trying to get on stage..? I mean that was pretty sad and funny (mostly funny), and what makes it more sad, was then when she got onstage, she forgot half the speech she was supposed to give to the groom and bride.. Now seriously that sucks having your mom forget a speech she was going to give to you and your wife, come on now! Second, if this is a half asian/white wedding, I really doubt playing Soulja Boy and LOW, would be any appropriate lol.. Especially if there are a bunch of lil white kids in the room, and you see some nasty couple on stage getting low.. Well IDK about you, but if I were those kids I'd get pretty scarred for life! Third, you all know how in every wedding, the bride or groom shoots the top of a champagne bottle or w/e? To those of you who will get married in the future, IF YOU'RE THE GROOM, DON'T BE STUPID AND SHOOT IT INTO THE CAKE! That's a serious downer seeing a massive hole in your cake, and believe me, that thing looked expensive too! Fourth, if you are drunk, PLEASE do not go on stage and start singing!! I swear they were singing some song that idk what it's called, but I knew how it went, and trusttttt me, it does NOT sound like the way they were singing it! First off, it sounded as though they were singing while having sex, and it sounded as though they were gonna puke any moment! And lastly, when the bride throws up her bouquet, IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO TURN INTO A MMA MATCH! You would see a bunch of single ladies pretty much rampaging for the lil flower thing, and I don't think I'm exaggerating when I thought I saw some girl throw a punch or something. Seriously I didn't even see the flower until like 5 mins later!

Overall, that was a pretty entertaining wedding I must say. IDK ABOUT YOU PEOPLE, BUT THAT WOULD SUCK HAVING A WEDDING LIKE THAT! No wonder at the end the bride and groom didn't look happy LOL!

-Brandon ^^

Saturday, March 14, 2009 2:26 PM

Wow holy crap! This was probably by far the hardest week of this year! Tests in every class, community service, work, SAT! Man I am more than relieved that this week is over! I can hardly care less how my SAT score turned out, but I'm just happy that it's all over! Ahhh now I can finally breathe!

Ok so I promised you guys a happier blog, so here it is haha. Oh first off, you like the change in my blog? ;] haha. Also for those of you who haven't seen me for a while, I got a new hairstyle haha. Idk if it's just me but it looks super asian for some reason.. like a hairstyle a typical asian would choose haha! I just got so bored with just simply spiking up my hair so wtf, might as well get a change =] Despite the harsh week, I've actually been quite happy with my life. And like a million of you people owe me for helping you guys with all your sadies planning. And thanks to those who gave me my nickname of "Dr. Seuss" LOL! (inside joke). So at this moment I am eating girlscout cookies, and ohmygoodness they are friggen bombbbb. Recently I've been into korean music a lot lately, and I have no idea why! I blame Kari and Karen for getting me into big bang haha! TAE YANG! lol! (another insider). I wish life could stay this happy forever yaknow? Geez I love this feeling like no other! So school is drawing to an end, and I can't believe that I'm gonna be a senior! Jesus idk about a lot of you guys, but I'm actually a little bit scared haha. But hey I'm friggen siked to get out of high school. I curse those of you who told me that high school was the best years of your lives or w/e. Helllll nah. Not even close.

Ugh wedding tonight.. I'm gonna be at a wedding for someone I don't even know! fun right?! NO! waste of my friggen time when I could be at home chillin or going out with friends on the first Saturday that I get off since 3 months (no joke). Aiite so overall, happy life happy life happy life! Gotta do more blogs like this one haha. Anyways I'm out! Thanks to those who make my life worth smiling for, and thank those who read/follow my blogs! More updates later! =]


Monday, March 9, 2009 9:03 AM

hi, so .. Brandon K. (formally A.) Ho is currently in first period Computer Tech 2. We are bored bored bored, but class is gonna end soon. He pretty much freeloaded off of my food & ate all my mfckn cheese-its. THEN THEN THEN, he had the AUDACITY to make me laugh during my turn to read, what a jerk right ? RIGHT .

ANYWAYS, i be back !
