Wednesday, December 24, 2008 6:44 PM 2008 is finally coming to an end! This year was filled with so many laughs, tears, excitment, and let's not forget the drama haha ;] I must say this was one of my better years, and I'm really gonna miss it. I hope everyone has had a great year just like me! This year has offered so much for me. Getting to make new friends, becoming closer to the ones I already have, opening my eyes to a lot of things I failed to previously see, and above all this year has shown me how to experience love in a way I'll never be able to describe. I can't believe a year like this has gone by so fast, and then a whole new beginning is going to take its place. Who knows what 2009 is going to bring for us all! I mean 2008 has already offered me so much, and I'm just anxiously waiting to see what 2009 will bring to me as well =] I've been truly blessed to have so many friends and family to be here with me throughout the years, and I know for a fact that not everyone is as fortunate as me, so I would just like to pray for those who are less fortunate, and wish that the new year will bring some new opportunities for them. I've gotta admit, I haven't been exactly the best person this year, which is why I'm going to try to become a better person at the very start of 2009, starting with school hehe. For my close friends who have been there with me up until this very day, let's pray that the new year will keep us close, just like the previous years have. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have great people like you to get me through the tough times the year brought me. I thank you all so much, and I wish the best for you on the upcoming year. And for my dearest Jessica, having you come into my life has made this year all the more greater. You are one in a million, and you hold such a special place in my heart that no one is going to take. No one compares to you, not even close, and I'm so glad to have you a part of my life this year. I hope that we will still continue to grow strong on the upcoming year =] I love you with all my heart, and that's never going to change. Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all have a happy holidays, and a fresh and great start at the new years! Take care!! -Brandon Thursday, December 11, 2008 7:46 PM I guess this isn't really a blog haha.. It's more of a rant, cuz I gotta get so much off my chest right now. Shit so much going on in just 2 weeks that it's totally killing me. Haven't had much sleep due to school, and I think it's finally taking its toll on me. Teachers pouring the countless loads of homework for kids. And hell some of my regular teachers give me more homework than my honors teachers do! shit. Still drama going on (figures). Even at home I have shit to deal with cuz of my folks. I've been finding it really hard to look on the bright side of things lately, even with christmas coming up. There just seems to be bad news right after the other. I don't know maybe it's just me thinking too much again, but I have noticed that things are not the same as they were last christmas. Stressing about grades, friends, family, christmas, shit I don't know how I'm going to survive the next week to come before the break, and hell I need that break really bad! Hopefully once I get a break from school for 2 weeks things will start to calm down... This is a short blog I know, but it was just a few things I had to get off my chest. I feel a lil bit better, but not as much as I would hope.. Damn I wish the christmas break would come sooner already.. -Brandon Sunday, December 7, 2008 4:42 PM This day was probably one of the best performances I've ever had! But I'd be lieing if I said that I wasn't nervous for the whole thing. In fact, I was pretty sure I was going to pass out before I got on stage haha! Well I got to the little shopping area at around 11 am, and by then it was pretty crowded already! Went backstage to get ready, and I got to meet the other performers as well! Seeing them did not really make me feel any better, cuz for one thing, they all seemed soooo good! They demonstrated for me, and shit I felt like a loser!! Sadly, I was the last person, so it would be pretty embarrassing if they were all good before me, and I was the last one and sucked >.<... Also seeing how I was the only solo-est in the whole thing, made me sooo nervous! Well luckily things went really well! I got up there, pretty much going to have a heart attack, but once I started, all of that nervousness went away. It was probably one of the most fun I've ever had when it came to performing. So many people were there, and seeing how most of my family was there made me feel even better =] Once I was done, I just chilled with my family, and the other performers, when one of the guys that ran the fesitval came up to me and asked if I could sing one more time. That caught me offguard, but hey it was fun, and I was happy to do it =] I loved that day, and I wish I could go back to it! I have to thank all of you guys who wished me good luck before I went on. And thank you Jessica for giving me that prep talk before I went on. Without that I might have passed out or something haha. That meant a lot to me everyone! Damn I really need another performance! If anyone knows of one then hit me up haha!! -Brandon Btw sorry, no vid for this. Turns out no one recorded my part, (what a bummer) but oh well! Next time for sure ^-^ |
About Me ![]() Name: Brandon Ho Age: 17 Hobbies: Singing SN: azndudebrandon that's all you need to know about me. However if you'd like to know more, ask! That Song Youtube ![]() Archive •September 2008 •October 2008 •November 2008 •December 2008 •January 2009 •February 2009 •March 2009 •April 2009 •May 2009 •June 2009 •July 2009 •August 2009 •September 2009 •October 2009 •December 2009 •April 2010 |