Monday, November 17, 2008 11:11 AM

This is seriously by far the craziest weekend I've ever had haha.. Was supposed to start off as a fun careless free day at six flags for our key club fall rally, but when I reached school, I was notified that six flags was cancelled due to a fire! And seriously people, if you've been looking forward to this for months, and found out that it was cancelled, damn you'd feel pretty pissed haha.. But that was the least of my worries after more news started getting around about the fire..

The fire spread rather quickly... Got pretty close to A LOT of my friends house forcing them to evacuate, and even though I'm safe here in chino, it still scares the hell out of me knowing that it's getting close to my friends. And I found it kinda funny how our school was being used as a shelter, when the fire wasn't even that far from it haha.. But anyways, the fact that a lot of my friends had to take off somewhere safe scared the hell out of me. Losing contact with them doesn't make me feel very secure either lol.. So I guess you can see I got pretty paranoid (and jessica if you're reading this, you know i can't crazy normally, well this was worse haha). So after the whole fire thing kinda cleared a bit, we were notified that certain schools had no school the following day, and figures that ayala would be the only school that had session the next day.. Literally, the whole student body found that bull shit how ayala had to do so much, while other schools didn't even do anything, but they get a day off! Wtf right? So about half the student body went calling the district, and parents included! while the other half was spamming the myspace bulletin about how this is gay, bullshit, and etc etc. haha but it was pretty amusing reading all the hate mails towards our district. At around 8-9 pm, we were all notified that the chino valley unified school distract had no school the following day!! shit and news about that spread fast, and again the endless bulletin spamming continued haha.

Damn this one was hell of a weekend I must say. Oh, and for the certain people who might be reading this blog.. Honestly I don't care what you think about me. You can talk all the shit behind my back about how i'm not being a good friend, how i'm NOT your friend or w/e, seriously I DON'T CAREE!! The few of you have caused enough shit for US, and it's driving us crazy! Just move on and deal with it, cuz we don't care! And don't go around writing sob story essays about what's going on cuz it's kinda pathetic..

Well I'm out now =] Hope the rest of you are having a fun/safe/entertaining weekend haha.
More updates later on!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008 5:28 PM

This for day weekend was just what I needed! Went out with Irene and others for her birthday to disneyland on saturday! Such a fun night haha. And then yesterday Nov. 10, 2008 was one of the best nights I had out in such a long time!

So yesterday I went out with the lover, along with Kathie and Shane =] Seriously, this is probably the best group of 4 ever haha! These people are great, and I gotta say they are great. Went to see two movies, high school musical 3 (which wasn't a very bad movie!) and madagascar 2 (no wonder it's rated pg haha). After that, Jessica had to leave shortly due to her mom was in the mall, so that pretty much bummed me out.. But I still had a pretty good time with Shane and Kathie there =]

I gotta admit, these two are something special haha. Haven't known them for that long, but they have a way of making me smile and laugh. I mean anybody can do that, but idk, it's just something special i guess. Sounds pretty cheesy, but that's the only way I can put it lol! So after we went to dinner, and some waitress gives us 18 bucks of free drinks! (good thing we tipped her good haha) and then we played apretty stupid game that got the 3 of us fuckin hyper haha. After that, the waitress played Shane and freakin killed him thanks to Kathie and me. Then went to Shanes house after and chilled there for a while till dad came to pick me up. Btw he's mad good at the saxaphone haha. Dude Shane if you're reading this, if that video of yours ever leaves your phone, I will murder you AND your beloved sax!!!

Overall, good weekend good weekend =]


Friday, November 7, 2008 5:18 PM

Hmm this is taking quite a turn. Usually the drama in my life makes me miserable and shit, but this one actually makes me laugh haha. To think that I was going to let something stupid like this get me down? hell nah haha.

Friends of mine were being accused of certain things that they didn't do, and if you guys know me, that pisses the fuck out of me! It so happens, this person isn't exactly the most loved person in school that's spreading the shit and causing us problems, so I'd be lieing if I said this was difficult to solve haha. Seriously people, when someone confronts you, don't be stupid by trying to act dumb.. honestly it doesn't work, and it just makes you look stupider lol.. So after doing something I never thought I would ever do, that felt hella good! And funny how the next day, my friend Nikki told me that the pesron went up to her trash talking me. Of course that didn't do her any good, cuz my good friend just ended up helping me. Thanks Nikki!! It's kinda funny.. I have so many people helping me with this issue, that there is no way that I can get down over this. Thank you guys so much! Great to know that I have friends like you guys that have my back =] And Pia, always know that no matter what I'll be there to help you! No one spreads lieing rumors without having to go through me. So no worries right? =] WHOREEEE hahaha. (inside joke) Frankly I'm having quite a fun time with this lil situation lol ;]

On an even happier note, the 4 day weekend is here! Got plans throughout the whole weekend so I'm pretty stoked to get outa here haha. Disneyland with the bestie tomorrow! Church on Sunday. Going out with the lover on monday~ and hopefully gonna hang with the bestie again on tuesday! That might be the day our first vid is up, so if it is, be sure to check it out!!

I must say that this week is by far the best week I've ever had haha. Hope things don't change!
Once again, I really appreciate those of you that actually take the time to read this. Means a lot to me everyone! Take care =]


Tuesday, November 4, 2008 7:55 PM

Usually people are the ones that come to me for advice/help, and of course I am always there to help no questions asked. It's been this way for years, and I've been pretty used to it, having the constant amount of people seeking my help. But this is the FIRST time where I don't know what to do.. A friend of mine is asking for my help, but the situation is just so drastic that I don't know what to do.. This is the first time that I haven't been able to give a decent calming advice..

Shit I don't know how to say this without giving the whole thing away, but let's just say I'm caught between two friends.. and I swear, if I help one of them, I'll end up losing the other one, and I honestly do not want that.. I've lost far too many friends in my life to lose another one. But what am I to do?! Things have never been this complicated for me when it comes to helping people because that's what I do! I swear I was born into this world to help people, but this is the first time where I'm caught in a net, and I just can't get out..

Because of this, I don't know if I'm capable of helping OTHER people.. I mean how can i help them but not this friend huh? It feels like I'm helping the whole world, but then this person I'm just neglecting, and I don't want that! Until I solve this whole thing out, I don't know how I'm going to make it! I really need help here peoples, cuz this time, for sure I know that I can't get through this alone..


Saturday, November 1, 2008 7:45 PM

Lately I've been having a really tough time with my daily life, but today made it all better. Idk what the deal with today is, but the moment I woke up, I got greetings from so many of my friends that it wasn't even funny! Later I went out to the shoppes in chino hills with the love of my life Jessica Pan~ and there I got to meet 2 new friends, Kathie and Shane =]

Sadly going out to see Jessica wasn't for that long, but despite the short amount of time I was with her, it made all my problems go away! It gave me a feeling I have not felt in a long time, and it felt really good. I did not want this day to end, knowing that soon I might have to face all my usual problems again. For the past few days, I haven't been singing, and for those who know me close, that's not a good thing. But today, it was a nonstop thing! I swear my throat was going to give out! But that was a great thing. I really needed a good day in my total complicated life, and today was just that day. Happy, fun, careless feeling was just what I needed to not go completely emo (not that I could anyways haha)

Even going home from the shoppes, that good feeling didn't go away. I was nice to my sister! Actually talking to her without screaming in her face. Even had a little fun family conversation with the folks. And for those of you who REALLY know me, that's not something I do a lot. Actually scratch that, that's not something I do AT ALL!

Damn today was such a good day. I need more days like this in my life =]

Much love!